You are the CEO of your divorce and life...

And you're finally in the right place.  🚀


From the outside looking in you've got it together during a hard season, you're taking care of everyone, showing up to your days…


But your anxiety skyrockets when the phone dings, you're overwhelmed by anguish checking the "relationship status" box on paperwork, and you collapse into bed every night hyping yourself up for the next day.


You don't quite trust your intuition on how to make the next chapter blow-your-mind-good 🤯 with so many intense emotions.


We're changing that, fast. 💨 


No more letting fear paralyze you.  No more avoiding the massive action that would move you forward towards your vision.


We are finishing what you've already started and creating the best possible divorce with a life so good it doesn’t make sense. 


You know what you want. ✓  Now you guarantee it happens.⚡️

OMG Yes. ♥ Skip to enrollment.

You don't need another to-do list about how to survive divorce and coparenting. 🥱


You know what to do.  You want to do it with excellence.  You want to know for sure that your vision will become a reality.


So, I cut the fluff and went straight to the advanced concepts that high EQ women need. Your life 12 months from now is unrecognizable.  🎬


In this 12 month 🗓️ experience you will:

  • Take control of your inner world, surrender control of the outer world🌎
  • Create a vision that makes your soul sing like a Taylor Swift lyric 🎶
  • Take massive steps towards making it a reality now  ⏳
  • Rewrite the story of a painful past ✍🏼
  • Use your pain FOR yourself instead of wasting it on things you can’t change (like your ex) 💣
  • Find peace, safety, and security within yourself 🧘🏼‍♀️
  • Trust your gut when it says "YES DO IT" no matter how crazy your family thinks you are 🫣
  • Use breath work to calm the burning fear and anxiety inside you so you can use if FOR you ⛽️ 

Plus…so much more.


You are kicking fear in the teeth and making the big skin-melting-off moves. 💪🏼  


It doesn't matter if you are newly separated or are 10 years post divorce, this is about to change every part of your life.


I’ve been where you are...I know what it takes to stop waiting for permission, stop looking to Google for answers, and create a life you can’t wait to get out of bed for every day. 🚦

⚡️Ready to join⚡️

My story in a nutshell:


I became the CEO of my divorce after a depressing therapy session in which she told me to prepare for hell. I decided instead that my divorce, no matter how hard, would mean I could have any life I wanted. 🚀


This one ☝🏼 decision created a 6 month mediated divorce, a multiple six figure business, a new city, and thriving kids in less than two years.


My life is unrecognizable in the exact way I wanted. Not because I followed a check list ✅ someone on the internet gave me, but because I followed my own intuition and vision. 


I’m going to help you do the same thing.


In addition to my personal experience with divorce and life beyond, I have worked with over 40 clients, talked to hundreds of women, have a law degree from Pepperdine University, and have been a certified, practicing life coach since 2019. 🙌🏼

Clients Are Saying: 

Take a moment to imagine what's possible 12 months from now. 🧗🏼‍♀️



The Divorce(d) Accelerator

Unleash your inner CEO.

Create something so good it doesn't make sense.

⚜️ Join Now ⚜️


  • 12 months of access to on-demand portal
  • One 90 minute monthly live Zoom group coaching call, recordings are uploaded to portal
  • Two group sessions with certified breath work coach
  • Private podcast for deep dives on content
Pay In Full for 12 months: Save $441
Pay Monthly $333